Friday, June 28, 2024

[UK] The nature march had a huge turnout – so why didn’t it make bigger news?

Disruptive demonstrations are decried by the press, but given acres of coverage. This is the new conundrum of public protest: the only way to be talked about is if you’re demonised.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Opioid crisis: US Supreme Court rejects deal with Purdue Pharma

The US Supreme Court on Thursday rejected the validity of a compensation agreement of some $6 billion in the opioid crisis on the grounds that it exempted the Sackler family, owner of the Purdue laboratory, from any future lawsuits from victims.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Meat and milk production: Denmark plans climate tax in the agricultural sector

For the first time, greenhouse gas emissions from pig fattening and dairy farms are to be taxed. The initiative is intended to help Denmark achieve its climate goals.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Julian Assange may be on his way to freedom but this is not a clear victory for freedom of the press

The release from a UK prison of Julian Assange is a victory for him and his many supporters around the world, but not necessarily a clear win for the principle underlying his defence, the freedom of the press.

Anne Brorhilker was Germany's best-known investigator in the fight against tax fraud worth billions. Here she says how the state must defend itself.

As a public prosecutor, Anne Brorhilker has brought cum-ex-perpetrators to prison. Now she has quit the job and is speaking plainly for the first time.

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

“Buy with your eyes, pay with your glance!”: Mastercard launches biometric retail payment system in Europe, using Poland as testing ground

After running pilot tests in Brazil and parts of the Asia Pacific for roughly two years, Mastercard is finally rolling out its biometric retail payments system in Europe. The world’s largest payment card company appears to be determined to wean consumers off not only cash, its eternal rival, but also credit and debit cards, its main line of business until now. To that end, it is piloting its Biometric Checkout Program in Poland in collaboration with local fintech company PayEye, which will be providing its iris and face biometric technology.

Ex-CDC director Robert Redfield says compulsory COVID-19 vaccination was  was “emotional”, “terrible” decision not based on science but due to “tremendous influence from the pharmaceutical industry”

Chris Cuomo speaks with Dr. Robert Redfield, former head of the CDC, about the origins and ongoing impact of COVID-19, including the role of U.S. and Chinese research in the virus’s development. Redfield shares insights on government overreach, the effectiveness and side effects of vaccines, and the reality of long COVID, emphasizing the need for transparency and a comprehensive review of the pandemic response.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Near-death experiencer Damian Horton claims we are pure God consciousness

Singer and songwriter Damien Horton had near death experience due to a high speed car accident. He explains how that felt and what it taught him about who human beings really are. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

German Right triumphs on bloodbath night for ruling coalition

Given the absolutely catastrophic final weeks before the election, this should not have been possible. The party’s top candidate Maximilian Krah had to suspend his campaign and the AfD was kicked out of the ID group in the European Parliament, due to comments he made about the Waffen-SS — and that’s before getting to the spying and corruption allegations. Yet voters were undeterred, demonstrating that the AfD now has a solid base of around 15% which is willing to vote for the party under almost any circumstances.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Explosive hearing in the Philippine House of Representatives: “COVID vaccinations are the main cause of excess mortality”

A Philippine House of Representatives committee investigation into hundreds of thousands of deaths linked to the Covid “vaccine” has produced explosive findings.

The committee learned that since the rollout of the Covid "vaccine" there have not only been hundreds of thousands of deaths, but also a decline of almost a million births in the country.

“Unleash the full power of government”: how the US pressured Germany into lockdown

The RKI protocols have been largely redacted. So what's behind the upgrade of the risk assessment in March 2020? Was Germany sent into lockdown by a deputy head of the authority? What seems clear is that the pressure was orchestrated internationally – and came from the USA.

Swedish defense chief says actions against Philippines in South China Sea threaten global security

Sweden’s defense chief has expressed alarm over Beijing’s repeated dangerous maneuvers against Philippine vessels in the South China Sea, saying such actions threaten global security, undermine stability and underscore the need to invest “for our security and freedom.”

The problem with Nigel Farage

Farage may have led a political party — two, actually, twice — but he has never held executive office. He has never been Minister for anything. And so he has never been accountable for anything.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Corona researchers: Western governments knew that SARS-CoV-2 could come from a laboratory

Several Western governments may have known in the early stages of the Corona crisis that the “novel coronavirus” SARS-CoV-2 may have come from a research laboratory. According to Corona researchers such as physics professor Roland Wiesendanger from the University of Hamburg, this is suggested by the security policy reactions of many Western governments from spring 2020 and information that subsequently became known from US committees of inquiry. A “close connection has now become apparent between the origin of the corona pandemic in autumn 2019 and the political measures taken from March 2020,” writes Wiesendanger in an article for the magazine “Cicero”. (May 27) “The response was that of a military threat.” 

Ex-reporter explains how New York Times weaponised "fake news"

When Nellie Bowles got her dream job as a reporter for the New York Times, she thought she'd never leave her the legacy paper. But what she witnessed behind the scenes gave her a very personal insight into the political capture of the American newsroom. She tells UnHerd's Freddie Sayers about how the disinformation movement, mainstream media bias and finding herself outside the tribe.

Russia co-opts far-right politicians in Europe with cash, officials say

Internal Kremlin documents obtained by one of the European intelligence services and reviewed by The Post show for the first time that Voice of Europe was part of an influence campaign established by the Kremlin in close coordination with Viktor Medvedchuk, the Putin ally who until Russia’s invasion of Ukraine led a pro-Moscow opposition party in Kyiv.

The organization was being used to funnel hundreds of thousands of euros — up to 1 million a month — to dozens of far-right politicians in more than five countries to plant Kremlin propaganda in Western media that would sow division in Europe and bolster the position of pro-Russian candidates in this week’s European Parliament elections,according to interviews with a dozen European intelligence officials from five countries.

Péter Magyar, the man who could be dangerous to Orbán

Péter Magyar comes from the Fidesz system and is now challenging Viktor Orbán in the European elections. How someone who knows all the tricks of the ruling party uses them to his own advantage.

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India’s low-caste voters humbled its powerful prime minister

Modi’s stunning setback in elections this week reflected the power of low-caste Hindus who rebelled against his ruling BJP.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

[Not the victory Modi hoped] Indian election results closer than expected and Kapil Komireddi saw it coming - "If Modi receives a blow, either in the form of a defeat or a diminished margin of victory, he will owe it to the civic revival incubated by his own reign"

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is claiming victory in the Indian election, though his alliance is far short of the 400 seats he set out to win.

This is unexpected, but Indian author Kapil Komireddi saw it coming. Reacting to the results, he writes: "The redeeming power of democracy I wrote about in the @NewYorker is on shimmering display today."

German Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck and Nordstream 2: "This is of course a political bomb"

The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is considered one of the great mistakes of the Angela Merkel era. Now documents show how Robert Habeck stopped the pipeline shortly after taking office.