Saturday, April 27, 2024

[COVID in Canada] Lawyer Louis-Olivier Fontaine resigns from the Quebec Bar in pointed open letter - "This story implying the existence of a serious threat to the health of the population has become 'judicial knowledge', that is to say that it can no longer be challenged in court"

Quebecer-Canadian Lawyer Louis-Olivier Fontaine has resigned from the Quebec Bar, the province's professional order of lawyers, with sharp words about how the government presented a misleading COVID narrative "to a shocked population as a truth that could not be questioned", and how this "fraudulent story" has turned justice into a "sombre piece of theatre":

"On January 23, 2013, when I entered the legal profession, I solemnly affirmed that I would bear allegiance to constituted authority and discharge my duties with honesty and justice. By this oath, I have undertaken to respect the Code of Ethics of Lawyers and not to compromise the honor and dignity of the profession. With the events that have occurred since 2020 [1] , I found myself in a morally untenable position, which led me to make a decision that I will attempt to briefly explain in this letter.

During this time, I saw a misleading narrative presented to a shocked population as a truth that could not be questioned. Today, this story implying the existence of a serious threat to the health of the population has become “judicial knowledge”, that is to say that it can no longer be challenged in court [2] . So, without any debate having taken place, against all logic and simply because it has been repeated ad nauseam , a fraudulent story has become an absolute truth. I say “fraudulent” carefully, because that is exactly what it is, the alleged threat having been nothing more than a pretext to bring about profound and probably irreversible changes in society, accompanied by a massive transfer of wealth to the ruling classes. And I cannot ignore the fact that the imaginary threat also served as justification for the deployment of so-called “safe and effective” injections, which are in all probability linked to the excess mortality currently observed in Canada and elsewhere [3]. .

My analysis, which has lasted for four years now, leads me to conclude that this terrible chain of events could only have occurred through information control on an unprecedented scale and with the complicity of key players within once respected institutions and professions. Thus, I have seen doctors, scientists and honest professionals try by all means to reestablish the facts. In doing so, they were refusing their share of the COVID pie and instead risked losing big. I had the honor and privilege of meeting these remarkable people. To my great dismay, I then saw them being censored and attacked with incredible violence, all in a generalized ignorance or indifference, the silence of my own profession having been the most disturbing. On the other hand, I have seen those who unquestioningly went with the flow or showed opportunism being rewarded for participating in the lie and misappropriation of science. What a heartbreaking spectacle it was!"

Louis-Olivier Fontaine, Quebecer-Canadian lawyer. 

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