Friday, April 26, 2024

Russian government drafted extensive "manifesto" strategy paper for Germany's AfD party to increase its poll numbers and gain a majority in elections

 The Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) is patriotic. But possible cash payments from Russia and a suspected Chinese spy expose them as traitors. According to SPIEGEL research, the Kremlin even drafted a “manifesto” for the party:

But how far does Moscow's influence on the AfD extend? A possible answer to this question comes directly from the country's center of power, the Kremlin's presidential administration. It is a multi-page document called a “manifesto”.

The likely origin of this paper can be reconstructed using findings from international security authorities. It is the beginning of September 2022 when, during a meeting in the presidential administration, department head Tatjana Matveyeva is given the task of “developing a new concept for the Alternative for Germany party in order to increase its poll numbers and gain a majority in elections at all levels achieve," as a note from a Western intelligence service says.

Those present even discussed a possible renaming of the party. The AfD could call itself “United Germany” or “German Unity”. (Spiegel Research/Cover Story)


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