Thursday, April 25, 2024

The scandal of an epoch: how the pharmaceutical industry used COVID-19 to buy politics

How global lobbies are networked with each other, using the example of the pharmaceutical industry, Bill Gates and WHO.

How can it be that governments order millions of Covid-19 vaccine doses (and pay for them with taxpayer money) that then expire unused and have to be thrown away? Rumored price per vaccine dose: 30 euros. In Austria there were a total of 17 million unused vaccine doses at the beginning of September 2023 , and another 10 million had already been destroyed by then because they had expired. The country had already donated 9.5 million doses to third countries - through the international initiative “COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access” (COVAX), which will appear again below.

Simply overcautious in the face of an unprecedented pandemic? Or simply miscalculated? Or was the Austrian population just not willing enough to vaccinate? – In fact, the situation in Germany looks similar. And in Switzerland. And in the USA. And in Asian countries.

Tens of billions of euros in tax money are said to have flowed from the EU to vaccine manufacturers, 35 billion to Pfizer alone. Incidentally, the states have also assumed liability for undesirable side effects ( ) . As a result, BioNTech recorded a double-digit billion profit in 2021. And Pfizer increased its sales by 95 percent and its net profit by 140 percent in 2022 and became number one in the pharmaceutical industry again.

A business model that is second to none. How come?

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