Sunday, April 28, 2024

Putin didn’t directly order Alexei Navalny’s February death, U.S. Spy Agencies find

U.S. intelligence agencies have determined that Putin likely didn’t order Navalny to be killed at the notoriously brutal prison camp in February, people familiar with the matter said, a finding that deepens the mystery about the circumstances of his death.

[Ukraine war] Washington Moves On to Plan B

The United States has already moved on to Plan B. No, the Biden administration has not issued an official statement on the matter, but the shift has already begun. The Washington Brain-trust has abandoned any hope of winning the war outright (Plan A) and has, thus, adopted a different strategy altogether. (Plan B)

Saturday, April 27, 2024

[COVID in Canada] Lawyer Louis-Olivier Fontaine resigns from the Quebec Bar in pointed open letter - "This story implying the existence of a serious threat to the health of the population has become 'judicial knowledge', that is to say that it can no longer be challenged in court"

Quebecer-Canadian Lawyer Louis-Olivier Fontaine has resigned from the Quebec Bar, the province's professional order of lawyers, with sharp words about how the government presented a misleading COVID narrative "to a shocked population as a truth that could not be questioned", and how this "fraudulent story" has turned justice into a "sombre piece of theatre":

"On January 23, 2013, when I entered the legal profession, I solemnly affirmed that I would bear allegiance to constituted authority and discharge my duties with honesty and justice. By this oath, I have undertaken to respect the Code of Ethics of Lawyers and not to compromise the honor and dignity of the profession. With the events that have occurred since 2020 [1] , I found myself in a morally untenable position, which led me to make a decision that I will attempt to briefly explain in this letter.

During this time, I saw a misleading narrative presented to a shocked population as a truth that could not be questioned. Today, this story implying the existence of a serious threat to the health of the population has become “judicial knowledge”, that is to say that it can no longer be challenged in court [2] . So, without any debate having taken place, against all logic and simply because it has been repeated ad nauseam , a fraudulent story has become an absolute truth. I say “fraudulent” carefully, because that is exactly what it is, the alleged threat having been nothing more than a pretext to bring about profound and probably irreversible changes in society, accompanied by a massive transfer of wealth to the ruling classes. And I cannot ignore the fact that the imaginary threat also served as justification for the deployment of so-called “safe and effective” injections, which are in all probability linked to the excess mortality currently observed in Canada and elsewhere [3]. .

My analysis, which has lasted for four years now, leads me to conclude that this terrible chain of events could only have occurred through information control on an unprecedented scale and with the complicity of key players within once respected institutions and professions. Thus, I have seen doctors, scientists and honest professionals try by all means to reestablish the facts. In doing so, they were refusing their share of the COVID pie and instead risked losing big. I had the honor and privilege of meeting these remarkable people. To my great dismay, I then saw them being censored and attacked with incredible violence, all in a generalized ignorance or indifference, the silence of my own profession having been the most disturbing. On the other hand, I have seen those who unquestioningly went with the flow or showed opportunism being rewarded for participating in the lie and misappropriation of science. What a heartbreaking spectacle it was!"

Louis-Olivier Fontaine, Quebecer-Canadian lawyer. 

Satirist Nico Semsrott on his time as an MEP in the European Parliament : “I have never cried so much in my life”

 The satirist Nico Semsrott has written a book about his time as a member of the European Parliament. A conversation about waste, lack of transparency, depression - and hope:

"What I experienced most in parliament was powerlessness. The absolute impossibility of shaping politics as a democratically legitimate representative. This is where my anger and frustration come from. By the way, this puts the MPs in an incredibly tragic position: they are the only ones who have to justify themselves to their voters - but their influence is marginal compared to the Commission or the Council. Or compared to the officials of the European Parliament."

Former Member of European Parliament, Nico Semsrott. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Canadian Professor Patrick Provost fired from University Laval for questioning COVID vaccine

Professor in the Department of Microbiology-Infectiology and Immunology Patrick Provost no longer works at Laval University. He had, among other things, become known in the media for his comments questioning the use of messenger RNA vaccines against COVID-19 and had since accumulated suspensions from the university institution.

Why were Germany’s COVID files redacted?

Too many questions remain unanswered: why did Sweden come out of the pandemic better than other countries without having endured a lockdown? Why were masks imposed when scientific studies repeatedly demonstrated that they were unnecessary? Why was discrimination introduced between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated when it was clear that vaccines were incapable of blocking the transmission of the infection? And why, since the lockdowns, has there been such a high excess-death rate in Europe?

Such questions have motivated Multi-polar, a small German online magazine, to fight for the disclosure of Robert Koch Institute (RKI) documents. RKI is the prestigious German equivalent of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This institute is meant to provide the scientific basis for the public health (and lockdown) decisions of the German government. It also has extensive influence on smaller neighbouring countries, such as Austria, where RKI’s suggestions are regarded as the gold standard for health policy.

There is no wrong body!

This (Germany's) trans law is a scandal! It will throw young people who could finally live free from role constraints back into rigid gender pigeonholes. In doing so, the legislature is exposing children and young people to severe mental and physical harm that is irreparable. Other countries have long recognized the dangers of this seemingly progressive trans ideology.

Russian government drafted extensive "manifesto" strategy paper for Germany's AfD party to increase its poll numbers and gain a majority in elections

 The Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) is patriotic. But possible cash payments from Russia and a suspected Chinese spy expose them as traitors. According to SPIEGEL research, the Kremlin even drafted a “manifesto” for the party:

But how far does Moscow's influence on the AfD extend? A possible answer to this question comes directly from the country's center of power, the Kremlin's presidential administration. It is a multi-page document called a “manifesto”.

The likely origin of this paper can be reconstructed using findings from international security authorities. It is the beginning of September 2022 when, during a meeting in the presidential administration, department head Tatjana Matveyeva is given the task of “developing a new concept for the Alternative for Germany party in order to increase its poll numbers and gain a majority in elections at all levels achieve," as a note from a Western intelligence service says.

Those present even discussed a possible renaming of the party. The AfD could call itself “United Germany” or “German Unity”. (Spiegel Research/Cover Story)


Thursday, April 25, 2024

How much damage have vaccines done to society?

 The data that shows the less appreciated forgotten consequences of vaccination.

•A long history exists of a wave of severe injuries following new vaccinations being introduced to the market. In most cases, those injuries were swept under the rug to protect the business.

•In many cases, the severe “mysterious” injuries we see now are remarkably similar to those that were observed over a century ago. Unfortunately, a widespread embargo exists on ever allowing this data to come to light (as that would instantly destroy the vaccine program).

•A variety of independent studies (summarized below) have shown that vaccines cause a wide range of chronic illnesses.

•A 1990 book made a strong case that widespread vaccination was also causing an epidemic of widespread brain damage which was both lowering America’s IQ and causing a massive rise in violent crime.

•In this article, we will also review exactly what in that 1990 book and the classic signs that can be used to determine if someone has a vaccine injury (along with the subtle more spiritual ones).

The scandal of an epoch: how the pharmaceutical industry used COVID-19 to buy politics

How global lobbies are networked with each other, using the example of the pharmaceutical industry, Bill Gates and WHO.

How can it be that governments order millions of Covid-19 vaccine doses (and pay for them with taxpayer money) that then expire unused and have to be thrown away? Rumored price per vaccine dose: 30 euros. In Austria there were a total of 17 million unused vaccine doses at the beginning of September 2023 , and another 10 million had already been destroyed by then because they had expired. The country had already donated 9.5 million doses to third countries - through the international initiative “COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access” (COVAX), which will appear again below.

Simply overcautious in the face of an unprecedented pandemic? Or simply miscalculated? Or was the Austrian population just not willing enough to vaccinate? – In fact, the situation in Germany looks similar. And in Switzerland. And in the USA. And in Asian countries.

Tens of billions of euros in tax money are said to have flowed from the EU to vaccine manufacturers, 35 billion to Pfizer alone. Incidentally, the states have also assumed liability for undesirable side effects ( ) . As a result, BioNTech recorded a double-digit billion profit in 2021. And Pfizer increased its sales by 95 percent and its net profit by 140 percent in 2022 and became number one in the pharmaceutical industry again.

A business model that is second to none. How come?

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

USA extends surveillance license

US secret services are still allowed to tap into data streams worldwide with almost no restrictions. The US Congress decided this over the weekend. But investigative authorities also have extensive powers within the United States. Some of these have now even been expanded.

Spanish men using self-ID gender law to access female care services

Spanish feminist organisations have raised the alarm about abuses of the country’s ultra-liberal self-identifying gender law, pointing to cases in which men with a history of abuse are switching gender to access services reserved for female victims of violence.

Democrats and Republicans unite to give weapons manufacturers $59 billion

House Speaker Mike Johnson worked with President Biden to push through a $95 billion foreign military aid package—most of which goes to the American military-industrial complex.

Germany spying: far-right party aide held in China spy probe

Prosecutors have arrested a man working for a far-right politician on suspicion of spying for China.

They have identified the man as Jian G, 43, named by German media as an assistant to AfD MEP and European election candidate Maximilian Krah.

Prosecutors say he was arrested in the eastern city of Dresden. They allege he passed information about the European Parliament to Chinese intelligence.

Jian G is also suspected of spying on Chinese opposition figures in Germany.

There's more:

T-online had exclusively reported on secret service contacts and payments to the AfD from China.

The alternative COVID-19 Inquiry

The British Covid inquiry was supposed to uncover and debate the mistakes made by the government during the pandemic years. And yet, many of the figures now proven to have been voicing legitimate concerns about lockdowns, vaccine mandates and the country's future post-Covid were nowhere to be seen. Join UnHerd's Freddie Sayers, Oxford professor of theoretical epidemiology Sunetra Gupta, Swedish journalist and author of 'The Herd' Johan Anderberg and author of 'The Covid Consensus' Thomas Fazi, for an alternative take on the UK's pandemic legacy.

Monday, April 22, 2024

[Germany]Cum-Ex tax scandal: chief investigator unexpectedly quits and criticizes

Their investigations led to the first verdicts in the Cum-Ex tax scandal and left Chancellor Scholz in need of an explanation: According to WDR information, the chief investigation Anne Brorhilker is leaving the judiciary to fight against financial crime elsewhere.

Three Germans arrested on suspicion of spying for China

Since before June 2022, the three German citizens have procured information to Chinese officials on Germany's “militarily usable innovative technologies,” according to prosecutors.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Russia's turn to the east

The USA's long-standing goal of preventing good relations between Germany and Russia because together these two countries would economically overshadow the USA has once again been achieved with the West's current policy - especially to the detriment of Germany. The fact that Russia has economic alternatives in the East has been suppressed and forgotten. The economic sanctions against Russia are therefore increasingly proving to be a “shot in the foot”.

Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone

This week, a U.S federal court decided that police officers can make you unlock your phone, even by physically forcing you to press your thumb against it.

UK insurers refuse to pay Nord Stream because blasts were ‘government’ backed

British insurers are arguing that they have no obligation to honor their coverage of the Nord Stream pipelines, which were blown up in September 2022, because the unprecedented act of industrial sabotage was likely carried out by a national government.

Taiwan leads in countering PRC disinformation and election meddling, experts say

 Last Friday, shortly after CSIS director David Vigneault confirmed in Foreign Interference Commission testimony that Justin Trudeau’s administration has been repeatedly warned Canada’s democracy is a “low-risk and high-reward” target for Chinese election-interference, disinformation experts from Taiwan told The Bureau they have no doubt that Beijing is quietly trying to subordinate the United State’s northern neighbour.

Belgian journalist Michel Collon on the moral shipwrecking of the West

TheSwissBox interviews Belgian journalist and writer Michel Collon on the subject of media lies and the war in Ukraine. Collon writes books, collaborates on documentaries and founded the Collectif Investig'Action. He specializes in the analysis of war strategies, North-South relations and media lies. 

Trudeau Government repeatedly warned on interference from Chinese and Indian diplomats

 Intelligence officials repeatedly warned Justin Trudeau’s government that China views Canada as a “permissive environment to pursue its interference activities” and Beijing’s incursions wouldn’t diminish unless Ottawa pushed back, according to a secret June 2019 report drafted by NSICOP, Parliament’s intelligence review body.

There's more:

Monday, April 15, 2024

What Thatcher can teach the pro-Israel Right...

 According to Aris Roussinos, it is remarkable how far the current Conservative Party’s aspiring populist wing diverges from Thatcher’s own approach to the conflict:

Perhaps the last word is best left to Thatcher herself. Summing up her years-long engagement with the region, she noted that “the United States, which was the power most responsible for the establishment of the state of Israel, will and must always stand behind Israel’s security. It is equally, though, right that the Palestinians should be restored in their land and dignity: and, as often happens in my experience, what is morally right eventually turns out to be politically expedient. Removing, even in limited measure, the Palestinian grievance is a necessary if not sufficient condition for cutting the cancer of Middle East terrorism out by the roots. The only way this can happen, as has long been clear, is for Israel to exchange ‘land for peace’, returning occupied territories to the Palestinians in exchange for credible undertakings to respect Israel’s security.”

Aris Roussinos, Unherd.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Near-death experience: what Elizabeth Krohn discovered when she was struck by lightning

After being struck by lightning in the parking lot of her synagogue, Elizabeth Krohn, had a near death experience during which she crossed over to the other side.

'It's experimental, I'm warning you!' - Trans woman warned of risks of 'cancer' from transition

Transwoman Jessica Alves, formerly known as the 'human Ken doll' refuses to countenance the risks to health of experimental treatments such as hormone therapies.

Friday, April 12, 2024

How the trans cult captured the NHS

 The Cass Review, published this week, shows how the trans cult captured the NHS, with devastating consequences for children and young adults.

Trans critic Kathleen Stock reacts to the report here.

According to Lara Brown, the report shows elected politicians need more independence from partial lobbyists: “Professional autonomy does not just mean “operational independence” from Ministers. Critically, it also must mean independence from lobbyists seeking to shape policy. Elected politicians, accountable to the public, remain the best bulwark against NHS capture by those interest groups.”

Privacy? What privacy?: How data brokers want to know everything about you

For targeted advertising, data brokers want to know about our bank accounts, children and illnesses. Netzpolitik research shows the dimension of this dubious business for the first time in a European country comparison. Experts call it a "catastrophe".

Why did Harvard fire Martin Kulldorff?

Martin Kulldorff talks about his dismissal from Harvard Medical School, persisting college vaccine mandates, and surviving COVID-era censorship on the latest episode of Reason’s Just Asking Questions.

Trudeau says he wasn’t told by Canada spy agency of China election meddling but what’s true?

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his closest advisers say they were never made aware of a report that Beijing “clandestinely and deceptively” interfered in both the 2019 and 2021 federal elections.

But what’s true?

Psychic Liz Cross did a mind probe on Trudeau, and finds out the P.M is China’s man and number one fan in Canada.

Swedish peace activist Lars Drake on the “unfounded idea” that Sweden is threatened by Russia

Swedish peace activist Lars Drake on the consequences of Sweden joining NATO, the portrayal of the Ukraine war in his home country's media and the Swedish view of the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines. For the emeritus professor, the idea that Sweden is threatened by Russia is an “unfounded idea”. There should have been a referendum on joining NATO, said Drake.